Wednesday 11 March 2009

Sturgeon picture at capernwray

Originally uploaded by hsacdirk
This is one of those pictures that I really wish I could say was mine! What a fantastic picture. It is actually an inspiration-I've been in diving a few times to try and re-create it!

Monday 9 March 2009

Migrating from Wordpress to Blogger

I wasn't happy with the look and feel of the blog being embeded within a frame, rather than being intgtrated into the sites look and feel.

The smumug support forum on Dgrin is an amazing source of nformation with some incredibly talented and helpful people on it. It is amazing these guys and girls willingly give up their time to help "mugs" like me out!

Anyway, there was a lot of posting about customising a blogger blog-but the options were very limited on Wordpress-so I bit the bullet.

The actual customization went pretty smoothly-just following the excellent instructions on the dgrin forum-then how to get the posts from Wordpress and onto blogger. After a fair ammount of googling and some trial and error, and I found Blog2blog This amazing bit of free software works like a charm-many thanks to it's writer Paul Cooley!

So you will be reading this post on my new blog-I plan to run down the wordpress one over the next few months.Please bear with me while I get the links etc up and running