Friday 26 February 2010

Zen dome macro shots

After reading a post on wetpixel by Stephen Frink (see the post here) on using a small dome with macro lenses, I thought I'd give the Zen dome a try.

I used with a Nikon 60mm f2.8, on a very dark and gloomy day. For reference purposes, the water temp was 4 degrees, and I lost all sensation in my hands for most of the dive (despite dry gloves!) The port gives really nice results-sharp and it corrects the parallax that you get with conventional flat ports. I will definitely try it some more

Amazing footage of feeding sailfish

Sailfish - House of Sailing Daggers from Blue Sphere Media on Vimeo.

Monday 22 February 2010

Wintery walk in the Lake District

Caron and I loaded up the dogs and went off for a walk around the Walna Scar Road, Coniston. It was a fantastic snowy cleat day, with awesome views back towards home and the coast. The dogs had a great time playing in the snow!

Snowy Coniston walk-0065

Snowy Coniston walk-0090

Snowy Coniston walk-0087

Snowy Coniston walk-0066