Saturday 31 October 2009

Weedy sea dragons on BBC life

Hi all,

There is a preview of the next episode of this excellent series here

It is featuring the courtship ritual of the weedy sea dragon-and shows how fanastic this series has been. BBC natural History unit at the top of their game again.

For those of us in the UK, the next episode goes to air on Monday 2nd Nov at 2100.

Eric Cheng's Pigs in the Bahamas

Eric, owner and founder of Wetpixel, has just put these pictures up on his Flickr page

Great, different underwater photography!

Monday 26 October 2009

Lightroom 3 beta released

Adobe released the latest beta version of Lightroom last week.

It is available for free download at Adobe labs here

My initial impressions are that the major changes over 2.5 are "under the hood". In terms of usability, there is a much improved import interface, the ability to export to Flickr etc direct from the library, and much beefed up noise reduvtion (for all thes new high ISO camers!)

I notice that Jeff Friedl is re-writing his excellent export plug ins-this should improve 3's functionality.

I know lots of people use LR on here, it would be great if we could share impressions and ideas on the new release.
